
b. 2002 in Fleurimont, QC. and grew up in the outskirts of Montréal.

Ariane Labbé is an emerging artist working mainly in sculpture and installation based in Toronto, ON. In 2021, she completed a DEC in Visual Arts with honours from Dawson College in Montréal and is currently completing a BFA in Sculpture and Installation at OCAD University in Toronto. She participates in group shows with her peers both at  Dawson College, Montréal, and in galleries in Toronto.

Artist Statement (FR︎︎︎)

Prioritize bodily experience.
My eyes are very skilled; but they cannot see everything,
and unless my five senses ally to deceive me, they can hardly do it.
The closest to everything I can get.

Negative space is always full.
I used to feel my limbs and be impressed at how much flesh I was able to grow on my own.
I used to imagine my body as air in water and think I made for a big bubble.
When air contains me, I am its negative space;
when water contains me, and I contain air, I am the messenger.
If only I was more conscious of my substance.

Measurements are relative.
I used to measure feet with my feet and inches with my thumbs (the French word for inches is pouce which also means thumb).
My measurements never aligned with my dad’s, who had long feet, and those of my mother, who had long hands.
Metric was more reliable than a system that relies on the size of limbs. Once you know that, you have to start doing math homework.

Everything is important.
I used to think the world was infinite, infinite being the sun, the sun being the biggest ball my arms could form, this ball being the love I had for certain people
whom I loved as big as the sun.
The world is infinite because everything is important. Everything about everything is important, and its opposite.
Explanations are illusions.
We are surrounded by things we rely on so much that we forget their existence, their relationships, distant relatives that compose us. An unconscious whole, with blurry and oscillating boundaries.

I will take my favorite parts and give them a touch, a place, a partner, a support, a beginning and/or an end, a future but not a past, a shape that won't seek to deceive you.
Playing with the reality of the tangible.
Playing forever.

And I hope you'll tell me about it.

© Ariane Labbé